Journal Club

Journal Club

We have a weekly Journal Club over a 5 week period on Wednesday evenings at 7PM, CST. Each Day of Journal Club, 2 articles are presented and discussed over a one-hour period. If you are interested in presenting one of the articles, please reach out:

You will find the Journal Club Articles and the Registration Zoom Link in: 

“This club is a highlight of the week. Thank you for organizing it.”

“Thanks so much for this. It provides valuable inspiration and information.”

“This was great! I used it as part of prepping for the CNT exam!”

“Thank you for hosting Journal Club the last several weeks! As a recent SLP grad with no clinical experience in the NICU, however a strong interest in neonatal therapy, I enjoyed being a fly on the wall each week. Hoping to one day have experience/insight to share and become a CNT!”

Journal Club will start again the Week of September 26th, 2024.

We have a weekly Journal Club over a 5 week period on Thursday evenings at 7PM, CST. Each Day of Journal Club, 2 articles are presented and discussed over a one-hour period. If you are interested in presenting one of the articles, please reach out to:

You will find the Journal Club Articles and the Registration Zoom Link in:

Participant Quotes:
                                  "This club is a highlight of the week.  Thank you for organizing it."

                   "Thanks so much for this. It provides valuable inspiration and information."

                                   "This was great! I used it as part of prepping for the CNT exam!"

"Thank you for hosting Journal Club the last several weeks! As a recent SLP grad with no clinical experience in the NICU, however a strong interest in neonatal therapy, I enjoyed being a fly on the wall each week. Hoping to one day have experience/insight to share and become a CNT!"

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining each meeting.

Article access is here