The exam is 90-100 questions and takes 2 hours to complete.
There are 3 main domains on the exam: Foundations of Neonatal Therapy Practice; Neonatal Screening, Assessment, Evaluation and Diagnosis; and Neonatal Therapy Interventions and Family-Centered Care.
CNT™ Exam Content
Descriptions of each domain on the exam are provided in the study materials, along with a self-assessment to aid each applicant in determining areas he/she may need to focus on. These are available to each applicant after they submit their application.
The cut score for passing the exam is 80% this year.
The passing rate for the exam has been very high.
Examination occurs at a local proctored testing site.
The certification exam covers the areas described in NANT’s Neonatal Therapy Core Scope of Practice Document as well as areas defined as core knowledge and used in everyday practice among expert neonatal therapists from practice analyses conducted in 2016 and 2019.
Accommodations are available if you have a disability covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Candidates who wish to request exam accommodations because of documented needs should contact the NTCB at to receive a copy of the accommodations form and instructions for submission. Accommodation requests should be made at least 60 days before the intended testing date to allow time for the NTCB to review and Pearson to set up the accommodation. Please note that options for testing sites will be limited to those who can provide the accommodations.
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