Fees associated with becoming a Certified Neonatal Therapist® include a $250 application fee and a $400 examination fee. The $250 application fee will be due at the end of the application process in order to submit your data to the NTCB for review. Upon notification of your eligibility for certification, you will have six (6) months to pay the examination fee of $400 and take your exam.
If you are applying with another therapist, you will both receive $50 off of the exam fee.
You must complete the application purchase within four (4) days of each other in order to qualify for the discount. This incentive may not be combined with any other incentive or coupon.
Once all required information has been entered into each section of the portal, you will submit your completed applicant portfolio and application fee to the NTCB for review. Upon submission, you will receive an email detailing next steps and how to access study materials.
If you have challenges with technology on the NTCB site, please email: info@ntncb. If you have challenges with technology within the application please email: dino@ntncb.com. We attempt to address any problems within one to two business days.
Applications are now open and close on November 15th
*Please note that recertification is on a different schedule. If you are due to complete recertification, please follow the instructions provided in your notification email.
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