1. Why should I become a CNT™?
- A neonatal therapy certification was created to validate and standardize the necessary experience, education and knowledge to work in the NICU setting.
- The standards set for certification were established to ensure a minimum standard for independent practice as a neonatal therapist who is responsible for evaluating, treating, and reassessing infants and families in the NICU.
- This certification will elevate our profession to an even platform, which will be easily recognized by hospitals, therapists and other medical professionals.
- Infants and families deserve to have therapists who have demonstrated competency and commitment to advancing the practice of neonatal therapy by demonstrating and maintaining minimum competency.
2. How do I get my employer to value this certification?
- AOTA, APTA, and AHSA all recognize neonatal therapy to be an advanced practice area.
- The NTCB has established criteria for certification that are in line with each professional organization’s recommendations.
- The certification requirements are intended to define the minimum reasonable knowledge and experience in order to provide safe and competent care to high risk infants in the NICU.